
Alex Ressi is an experienced product developer, programmer, strategic consultant, and has been a founding member of a handful of small, successful start-ups.

Mr. Ressi's passion for product design, user experience, and social media comes through in the sites, services, and products that he creates.  Ressi's products have been featured in all major news sources from the CBS Early Show to Wired Magazine, to LifeHacker - even Penthouse Magazine and Rap-up.

Independent Developer

Independent web developer and entrepreneur focused on social media application development specializing in Twitter application design.

Real Networks

General manager of Product Development responsible for defining and integrating a new web-based gaming strategy focused on community-based online game play and game distribution.  Integrated Game Trust's web-based community gaming platform into RealArcade and Real's syndication offering providing an online distribution channel for games with an integrated player rewards system as an alternative to Real established downloadable game business.

Game Trust

Co-founder of Game Trust and VP of Product Development.  Responsible for designing and managing the development of Game Trust's Game Frame platform which currently powers AOL Games providing a community-based gaming solution that includes chat, player rewards and leaderboards for a catalog of over 150 web-based games and 50,000 concurrent players. 


VP of strategy and creator of the Internet's first million dollar hourly lottery draw. Producing 5 web-based games licensed to Earthlink


Strategic consultant working with International Fortune 500 companies to define and realize web strategies.  Clients included Cravath Swain & Moore, Americanas.com, BT Openworld


Senior Webmaster resposible for developing and maintaining a proprietary publishing system that enabled the Journal
Register Company to publish over 60 newspapers online daily.